Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Welcome To Melbourne!

Woohoo! Finally! Mel Aus! Touched down 2nd May morning and had a n extremely tiring day because of a couple of reasons.

Spent some time in the airport, around the tourist info booth and finding phone booths to call my aunt (none worked as they don't accept coins, wth right?). End up just skybusing to town and figure out something. Took a walk along Flinders st all the way to Federation sq... with all my luggage (reason) then hop onto the free city tram for 1.5 rounds. Bused to this place called The Pines shopping centre to meet up with aunt to have lunch. After which she drove (thank God!) me around: her house and work place. Lastly to Adrian's house which we took some time to figure out even with the GPS that aunt just bought. It was a vast and beautiful place with some cattles and other animal resisdents (a goat, swallows, wild chickens and spiders). Had a guided tour around the house (including details like where are the spoons and food storage). Had a quick and simple dinner while chatting till lights out. I was exhausted and dozed off after seconds! Did nothing much? Let's trace back abit...

I was on the Emirates flight to Mel the night before where I met this girl, Sam from London who is a lne backpacker and... had a kind of phobia? Don't know if phobia is the word to use but she had horrible past experience flying hence the trauma? Anyway, she sat up all straight, grabbing the front seat and had teary eyes. I can't help but notice her trembling hands holding on to her inhaler while constantly looking around. Even during mid flight terbulance, she would stop whatever she's doing and do mindless clicking on the screen (with shaking hands). We had a chat after she'd calmed down and it surprised me that she's been travelling since Dec 10. Travelling as in no going home, tourist in several countries since DEC 10, thats 5 months with an average of 1 flight trip per months? Given her condition, Respect! Her reason for goin on: meeting strangers and fellow backpackers. I do have to admit I was very nervous about the trip until I met her. I guess this was arranged to motivate myself to "enjoy"my trip. And so.. I end up not having any sleep which brings me back to my first night in Mel. Knock out after staying awake for ~48hours.

Adrian left for work before I woke up this morning. Had some cereals and off to work. Even though its quite chilly in the morning (esp in the suburbs), it becomes a perfect combi when you get yourself under the sun. Raked up the dried leaves, sccop some dung and some cleaning and dumping. Was quite relaxing and I get to plan my day flexibly. Tried to tame the cattles but failed. They weren't shy or afraid of me considering it's my first time with them, almost touched 1 of the cattles but she startled when I opened my palm. It was pretty cool to have them approach me while I just sit there fiddling with my phone.

Awesome days to come I hope, plan to spend the weekends out... erh no, I haven't done any planning, waiting for people to invite me for trips! hah!

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