Thursday, May 5, 2011

Garfield Walk

The weather's getting chilly these days, it was great to be outdoors with even a faint of sunlight rays. As aunt put it, Melbourne skies always looked cloudy and gloomy at this time of the year but it just wont rain that easily.

Had a long long walk yesterday, 4 hours? 5-6km? Garfield was a nice and peceful town, all quiet, you can even trace a child's cry from the rows of beautiful houses. I visited the bakery for a meat pie and custard tart, $7.20! Of course it had to be tasty! Then went on to the convenience store to see what's on the shelves in this lonely town. I had a pleasant surprise when I got to know that the shopkeeper was from east timor? What are the chances (meeting a chinese or Singaporean is common in AUS) of meeting someone in a faraway place from home, who can converse in 3 different languages that I know of (aside from my family, relatives and some friends) Anyway, bought some Hot Chips (which are thicker & larger Fries) and left with a warmed heart. After walking around the small town for a while, making rounds and turns, deicided to head back from this recce trip. It began to drizzle on the way home and yes I was shivering in the cold until a white lab caught my attention. It just hopped out of one of the bushes and looked at me before darting towards the direction I was heading. Maybe it just wanted to play? (hide & seek) And so it "led" me all the way back to the farm and left after awhile, nice townfolks even the animals were so eager to take you around (I just named the dog Garfield :P).

Very exhausted after the walk, msg'd Adrian about me skipping dinner and off to sleep (its abt 4pm?) Fairly good day of exploration with many things happened, would be better without the rain. Earlier that day, I was mowing grass and doing some simple chores (replacing rat poison and unloading some stuff). Hence I was drained and managed to Zzz in seconds.

Decided to take a break for today, doing some simple household chores and do reasearch on my plans for the next few days. Weekends are coming and I want to visit the main attractions of Melbourne city! Plus, mother's day's coming and I do not want Adrian to fret over entertaining me over mother's day celebration.

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