Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Post ORD crash ($)

Damit... Spent almost $100+ today
1. NTU Medical Checkup - $28
2. BBQ with BMT friends - $25
3. Kenna summon by Cisco for parking illegally - $70?
Bro suggested to appeal since elections are coming lol? I think I'll just pass and pay obediently since it doesn't cost me any demerit points (even if it does, i think i'll use some1 else's points reserve)

Tiring day mainly because of all the expenditure. Recced NTU with Boss this morning and at the same time complete our medical checkup. NTU seemed big on the map but actually quite small considering that you only visit the non-hall areas. Asked Jeslina (& her friend whom I numpangd) and Shirley about the delicacies in NTU, mostly directed to C1 & C2 which is (according to Boss) the artisans dining area (he expected the $2 meal for peasants). Had Jap and Boss treated me to Xiao Long Bao which is just so so.

Spent the evening with BMT boys at Aloha Changi chalet. If any1've been there, its... like a row of haunted house with bbq pits and a pack of cats, 8 of them in fact. To be honest, the gathering quite dull maybe because we haven't seen each other for a long time. I'd prefer just a bbq or a nights out in town for a get together, economical and time efficient.

Please don't make me spend any more money before my grand trip... Looking forward to it! (not as a peasant)

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