Sunday, April 19, 2009


Oh great... i jus recovered! Bodys' been really heaty these days, havin ulcers, cough, running nose, worst of all, toothache! Cant really chew anything harder than bread for the past few days, speech was also a problem coz of... all the pain and twitches.

Lets see... 5 more days to go, goin army... finally! Cant wait, i've nth much to do at home besides movies, shows, eat, sleep, music... Oh, i've started packing, have a 10-item list of tings i needa get. Been watching , Really great show! both comedy n action. Speaking of shows, i jus wasted 2 days on 1 fukd up hk drama, more like 1 day... , it was not that bad for the 1st part... 2nd part jus junk! Crap! Bullshyt! The director mus b murdered or smth during the last 2 epis, coz the storyline was horrible, like he jus wanna wrap up everything in 2 hours. Even 5 year olds can ting of so much more alternatives to how the show should end. Fnobrain show lol. Im sticking to Jap and Us shows... Cleary, on the remaining days.

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